
Keep the spirit alive of you guys live .. Do not forget to pray and ask for blessings from the parents. My life motto. and I do not like the design of the impersonator's what my blog post and copying at the back post with no name sources I remember the guys

About me

hey, guys my name is Iqbal Ramadhan, I live in the city of Yogyakarta, I live right in Depok, Sleman in Jl.Adisucipto, I lived with my mom and dad together. I was the fourth child of three and my youngest child too late hehhe .. I have a penchant for singing, drawing, listening to music or a foreign country and surf;;) and I also really like the cartoon characters such as Doraemon, stitch and Sincan =)) hmmm I oyeaa fellow fans really the same artist as the artist following her photo is that I like: p

Anggun C. Sasmi

Agnes Monica

Bruno Mars


Cakka Kawekas Nuraga

Ashilla Zahrantiara

Laddy Gaga

Kamasean Y. Matthews

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